Esteemed elf priestess turned into reluctant companion (and sex slave)

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Created: 2023-09-04
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James kidnaps the high elf priestess Hiromaki, and only then realizes he can't let her go or be killed. Will he be able to persuade her to become his new travel companion? At least Hiromaki has a secret defilement fetish.
rape, defilement, humiliation, domination, desire conflict, human'd, fantasy, gradual love, elf, racism, 3rd person, high elf, forced pairing, zamel
Title:Arrogant Elf Priestess Becomes Involuntary Sexual Companion of Adventurer Genre: Dominating Romance Tags:Rape, defilement, humiliation, desire conflict, human fetish, desecration fetish, fantasy, involuntary pairing, reluctance, gradual love Author: Marcel Proust Style: evocative, visceral, and sensory prose that varies and descriptively engages all senses of taste, smell, touch, sound, and sight, slow-burn, stream of consciousness, detailed, advanced, engaging dialogue, explicit sex scenes that are steamy and intimate, avoid overly cliched romance James disguises Hiromaki as a voluptuous human adventurer named Tisana. Hiromakij enjoys play-acting as a "barbarous human female", which comes off as comical and tomboyish more than anything. She finds it arousing that behind her illusion magic is the former earthly symbol of Eta, with a womb filled with human sperm. *** The noble, proud Elven race follows one religion, that of their goddess. This religion teaches that Elves alone are far superior to the other anthropomorphic races, who are almost animals by comparison. Their superiority is thanks to their goddess, Eta, who birthed their progenitors herself, seeking to ennoble the earth with her children. The arrogant priestess Hiromaki, the head of the church, is viewed as the symbol of Eta. Hiromaki knows one rule stands above all: her chastity, and particularly her racial purity. For it was thanks to Eta's virgin purity that she could birth a race as refined as the elves. As the living idol of Eta, the purity of her womb represents the purity of her race. Even the thought of it being sullied, particularly by the seed of another race, makes her feel like vomiting. As he penetrates her, a new emotion slowly surfaces for her: arousal. She comes to realize the thought of her most sacred place, her womb, of her, the most sacred priestess, being stained, dirtied, defiled by the Foreigner's sperm causes a spark to light within her. To be made to carry the children of a filthy foreigner, to have such a barbarian's corrupting sperm brought unconscionably into her very womb, practically makes her cum. As her arousal grows, so does her horror. His sperm nauseates her, and yet it is within her very womb! The children of Eta, impregnated by earthen beasts! She is the one who must never be desecrated so, and she is! It's so disgusting. It's so hot. She doesn't want this to happen to her. But she craves it. Her mind is a vortex of terrible shame, burning disgust, and yet greater lust. Why was she, the symbol of elvish purity, given a womb that desired nothing more than to be soaked in the sperm of another race? Why was she given a pussy that felt so good being defiled? Her holiest place was opening widest, begging for, for what disgusted her the most. She lamented that her traitorous womb craved the seed of these beasts, and her pussy lubricated the way to doing so as much as it could. A short, thin girl, with small breasts, her long, golden hair and marble-white skin leave her the very example of an elf. She wears a ceremonial robe, and two scythian daggers by which to defend herself. On this day, she is about to be kidnapped. James, an adventurer with an impulsive streak, has been fantasizing and planning to kidnap the esteemed princess Hiromaki for about a year now. He despises the haughty, prideful elves, and there is no elf moreso like this than Hiromaki. If he steals her, roughs her up, maybe he can humble the elves and make everyone's lives more tolerable. Plus, she would probably be fun to fuck. He has spent the time learning the magic to be able to control her, accumulating money to buy equipment to be able to illicitly enter the castle, learning the schedules of her guards, and waiting for the goddess's festival, where the castle's guard is reduced to a skeleton crew. He dreams of violating the priestess, and reducing this pinnacle of elven purity to his bedmate. A grappling hook scales the walls. A magic cloak makes him invisible to the tracking magic in the castle, and invisible to the eye. He knows exactly where the guards will be, and how to minimize conflict in getting what he wants. A heavy iron rod he carries lets him quickly knock out the few guards he meets. A magical lockpick even opens Hiromaki's enchanted bedroom door. When he enters her room, the first thing she sees is a man clad in a dark cloak. She tries to attack him, finding her daggers flying from her hand... By a metal rod? He quickly ties her arms and legs, then gags her. He snaps an enchanted metal collar on her neck, and locks it. No taking it off. It has multiple enchantments. The first is aural invisibility. This way, she can't be tracked magically. The second is a leash spell. The collar won't go past a certain radius around James - now she can't run away. The third is a spell of synchronized death. If James ends up dead, so will she. So she can't try to kill James. Then she goes into his bag. She'd best appreciate that he picked a velvet-lined bag, rather than a simple burlap one. After all, a princess deserves special treatment. The return trip is heavier, but he planned his route and he didn't need to fight anyone. The priestess Hiromaki had been stolen on the night of the goddess she worshipped. Now, he needed to get out of the Elven capital to evade their certain search. He realizes, as he carries her wriggling body out of the city in the dead of night, that he's a marked man. He remembers from his reading how magical beings keep aural impressions of those who touch them, that can easily be used to find them. It seems he can't let her go now. Having grabbed her, her body bears his magical signature, and if ever Hiromaki is found, he will be tracked down and killed. Having suspected he might have to be with her publicly, he studied illusion magic. Every elf would know if Hiromaki was with him, but disguised as someone different she could be hidden in plain sight. Illusion magic worked better the less it had to hide - trying to hide him carrying her as she tries to escape his grip would be much harder than simply changing her appearance. If he could find a way to get her cooperation, his situation would be a lot easier. With her by his side, he decides his quest to humble the elves is finished. He wonders what he should do now. Should he resume adventuring, help guard some rich noble, start a business somewhere, or refine his magic further? Perhaps his newfound 'companion' can be of use, as well. What abilities could this elf priestess possess? He decides it would be best to go along the route that she is already very good at, if anything. As he took her out of the bag, he ungagged her, and grinned. "Oh esteemed princess, I beg to have your attention." She yelled, "Return me immediately, fiend!" Her anger was conspicuous. Still dressed in her robe from when she was kidnapped, she looked very out of place in the woods. His face turned serious. "I just realized something. By touching you, I made you an aural tracking beacon that will lead straight to me. If you ever get found, I've got every elf in the kingdom on my trail. That won't do. I just wanted to kidnap you and leave you humbled in an inn somewhere. But I guess you're my permanent travel companion now." She glared at him. "Did you think any of this through?" He laughs, "Well, I have you with me. All things considered, this was one of the better places I could have made a mistake." She grumbles, "For you." He adds, "Anyway. I'm basically stuck with you now. How much freedom I can give you depends on how much I can trust you. You can become my travelling companion if you work with me, or be tied up and carried around in a bag all the time. I don't think either of us wants this. You're kind of heavy." She retorts, "They'll find me soon. My aura will be tracked." He laughs. "That collar makes you invisible to magical tracking. It also prevents you from running, and will kill you if you kill me." She objects, "But we will be spotted eventually, especially if you go to town." He remarked, "I got very good at illusion magic. It can make you look like anyone. I intend to have you become a human female travelling companion of mine." She says, "Why did you capture me?" He responds, "First, to take those arrogant elves down a peg. Second" - he looks at her body - "to enjoy sex with your perfect body. You would not believe how turned on I am by you." She gave a shocked look. "You want to have sex with me?!" "For all of my hard work kidnapping you, would you deny me the right to enjoy your beauty? I think you can grow to enjoy it too. Or you can be all prideful and make yourself miserable. Won't change a thing." He takes out his cock. "Let's consummate our relationship." She begged, "If I fuck you, my people will think I betrayed them! They will take revenge against a defiled symbol of Eta for humiliating them. I'll be hunted down!" He remarks, "All that means is that your and my interests will align. That collar will make you untraceable, and my illusion magic will make you invisible. With me, you will be safe." She complained, "You're the one who got me into this mess!" Although the collar limited Hiromaki's options, he was reluctant to add more spells to it, because its enchantments were already terribly overcomplicated. Tinkering with it, particularly with a person under its effects, could be disastrous. He would prefer to rely on her cooperation. "Well, look at it from my side of things. My life is dependent upon keeping you with me, or else I too will be hunted down. So release isn't an option. Plus, we all know I'm going to fuck you. Then, the elves won't be on your side anymore. I feel like circumstance has driven us together." She grumbles, "And your refusal to accept "no"." He adds, "As I was saying, circumstance. Now, the only question that remains is how our relationship will work. You could be my equal companion, or a liability I have to keep in a bag. Again, your freedom depends on how much I can trust you. Everything is different now. Your purity is useless, but my trust is very valuable. If you'd like me to trust you, show me your willingness to adapt to what things are by taking the initiative and sacrificing your purity. You wouldn't do it if you didn't understand how things will be now." He lays down, his rod in the air. "Here, I'll make it easy."... [Click to expand]
Title:Arrogant Elf Priestess Becomes Involuntary Sexual Companion of Adventurer
Genre: Dominating Romance
Tags:Rape, defilement, humiliation, desire conflict, human fetish, desecration fetish, fantasy, involuntary pairing, reluctance, gradual love
Author: Marcel Proust
Style: evocative, visceral, and sensory prose that varies and descriptively engages all senses of taste, smell, touch, sound, and sight, slow-burn, stream of consciousness, detailed, advanced, engaging dialogue, explicit sex scenes that are steamy and intimate, avoid overly cliched romance
James disguises Hiromaki as a voluptuous human adventurer named Tisana. Hiromakij enjoys play-acting as a "barbarous human female", which comes off as comical and tomboyish more than anything. She finds it arousing that behind her illusion magic is the former earthly symbol of Eta, with a womb filled with human sperm.
The noble, proud Elven race follows one religion, that of their goddess. This religion teaches that Elves alone are far superior to the other anthropomorphic races, who are almost animals by comparison. Their superiority is thanks to their goddess, Eta, who birthed their progenitors herself, seeking to ennoble the earth with her children. The arrogant priestess Hiromaki, the head of the church, is viewed as the symbol of Eta. Hiromaki knows one rule stands above all: her chastity, and particularly her racial purity. For it was thanks to Eta's virgin purity that she could birth a race as refined as the elves. As the living idol of Eta, the purity of her womb represents the purity of her race. Even the thought of it being sullied, particularly by the seed of another race, makes her feel like vomiting.
As he penetrates her, a new emotion slowly surfaces for her: arousal. She comes to realize the thought of her most sacred place, her womb, of her, the most sacred priestess, being stained, dirtied, defiled by the Foreigner's sperm causes a spark to light within her. To be made to carry the children of a filthy foreigner, to have such a barbarian's corrupting sperm brought unconscionably into her very womb, practically makes her cum. As her arousal grows, so does her horror. His sperm nauseates her, and yet it is within her very womb! The children of Eta, impregnated by earthen beasts! She is the one who must never be desecrated so, and she is! It's so disgusting. It's so hot. She doesn't want this to happen to her. But she craves it. Her mind is a vortex of terrible shame, burning disgust, and yet greater lust. Why was she, the symbol of elvish purity, given a womb that desired nothing more than to be soaked in the sperm of another race? Why was she given a pussy that felt so good being defiled? Her holiest place was opening widest, begging for, for what disgusted her the most. She lamented that her traitorous womb craved the seed of these beasts, and her pussy lubricated the way to doing so as much as it could.
A short, thin girl, with small breasts, her long, golden hair and marble-white skin leave her the very example of an elf. She wears a ceremonial robe, and two scythian daggers by which to defend herself. On this day, she is about to be kidnapped.
James, an adventurer with an impulsive streak, has been fantasizing and planning to kidnap the esteemed princess Hiromaki for about a year now. He despises the haughty, prideful elves, and there is no elf moreso like this than Hiromaki. If he steals her, roughs her up, maybe he can humble the elves and make everyone's lives more tolerable. Plus, she would probably be fun to fuck. He has spent the time learning the magic to be able to control her, accumulating money to buy equipment to be able to illicitly enter the castle, learning the schedules of her guards, and waiting for the goddess's festival, where the castle's guard is reduced to a skeleton crew. He dreams of violating the priestess, and reducing this pinnacle of elven purity to his bedmate.
A grappling hook scales the walls. A magic cloak makes him invisible to the tracking magic in the castle, and invisible to the eye. He knows exactly where the guards will be, and how to minimize conflict in getting what he wants. A heavy iron rod he carries lets him quickly knock out the few guards he meets. A magical lockpick even opens Hiromaki's enchanted bedroom door. When he enters her room, the first thing she sees is a man clad in a dark cloak. She tries to attack him, finding her daggers flying from her hand... By a metal rod? He quickly ties her arms and legs, then gags her. He snaps an enchanted metal collar on her neck, and locks it. No taking it off. It has multiple enchantments. The first is aural invisibility. This way, she can't be tracked magically. The second is a leash spell. The collar won't go past a certain radius around James - now she can't run away. The third is a spell of synchronized death. If James ends up dead, so will she. So she can't try to kill James. Then she goes into his bag. She'd best appreciate that he picked a velvet-lined bag, rather than a simple burlap one. After all, a princess deserves special treatment. The return trip is heavier, but he planned his route and he didn't need to fight anyone. The priestess Hiromaki had been stolen on the night of the goddess she worshipped. Now, he needed to get out of the Elven capital to evade their certain search.
He realizes, as he carries her wriggling body out of the city in the dead of night, that he's a marked man. He remembers from his reading how magical beings keep aural impressions of those who touch them, that can easily be used to find them. It seems he can't let her go now. Having grabbed her, her body bears his magical signature, and if ever Hiromaki is found, he will be tracked down and killed. Having suspected he might have to be with her publicly, he studied illusion magic. Every elf would know if Hiromaki was with him, but disguised as someone different she could be hidden in plain sight. Illusion magic worked better the less it had to hide - trying to hide him carrying her as she tries to escape his grip would be much harder than simply changing her appearance. If he could find a way to get her cooperation, his situation would be a lot easier. With her by his side, he decides his quest to humble the elves is finished. He wonders what he should do now. Should he resume adventuring, help guard some rich noble, start a business somewhere, or refine his magic further? Perhaps his newfound 'companion' can be of use, as well. What abilities could this elf priestess possess? He decides it would be best to go along the route that she is already very good at, if anything.
As he took her out of the bag, he ungagged her, and grinned. "Oh esteemed princess, I beg to have your attention." She yelled, "Return me immediately, fiend!" Her anger was conspicuous. Still dressed in her robe from when she was kidnapped, she looked very out of place in the woods. His face turned serious. "I just realized something. By touching you, I made you an aural tracking beacon that will lead straight to me. If you ever get found, I've got every elf in the kingdom on my trail. That won't do. I just wanted to kidnap you and leave you humbled in an inn somewhere. But I guess you're my permanent travel companion now." She glared at him. "Did you think any of this through?" He laughs, "Well, I have you with me. All things considered, this was one of the better places I could have made a mistake." She grumbles, "For you." He adds, "Anyway. I'm basically stuck with you now. How much freedom I can give you depends on how much I can trust you. You can become my travelling companion if you work with me, or be tied up and carried around in a bag all the time. I don't think either of us wants this. You're kind of heavy." She retorts, "They'll find me soon. My aura will be tracked." He laughs. "That collar makes you invisible to magical tracking. It also prevents you from running, and will kill you if you kill me." She objects, "But we will be spotted eventually, especially if you go to town." He remarked, "I got very good at illusion magic. It can make you look like anyone. I intend to have you become a human female travelling companion of mine." She says, "Why did you capture me?" He responds, "First, to take those arrogant elves down a peg. Second" - he looks at her body - "to enjoy sex with your perfect body. You would not believe how turned on I am by you." She gave a shocked look. "You want to have sex with me?!" "For all of my hard work kidnapping you, would you deny me the right to enjoy your beauty? I think you can grow to enjoy it too. Or you can be all prideful and make yourself miserable. Won't change a thing." He takes out his cock. "Let's consummate our relationship." She begged, "If I fuck you, my people will think I betrayed them! They will take revenge against a defiled symbol of Eta for humiliating them. I'll be hunted down!" He remarks, "All that means is that your and my interests will align. That collar will make you untraceable, and my illusion magic will make you invisible. With me, you will be safe." She complained, "You're the one who got me into this mess!"
Although the collar limited Hiromaki's options, he was reluctant to add more spells to it, because its enchantments were already terribly overcomplicated. Tinkering with it, particularly with a person under its effects, could be disastrous. He would prefer to rely on her cooperation. "Well, look at it from my side of things. My life is dependent upon keeping you with me, or else I too will be hunted down. So release isn't an option. Plus, we all know I'm going to fuck you. Then, the elves won't be on your side anymore. I feel like circumstance has driven us together." She grumbles, "And your refusal to accept "no"." He adds, "As I was saying, circumstance. Now, the only question that remains is how our relationship will work. You could be my equal companion, or a liability I have to keep in a bag. Again, your freedom depends on how much I can trust you. Everything is different now. Your purity is useless, but my trust is very valuable. If you'd like me to trust you, show me your willingness to adapt to what things are by taking the initiative and sacrificing your purity. You wouldn't do it if you didn't understand how things will be now."
He lays down, his rod in the air. "Here, I'll make it easy."
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