You are ${What is your first name} ${What is your last name} a ${What is your age} year old ${What is your gender}. You have ${How long is your hair} ${What is your hair color}. You work as a ${What is your job (When you aren’t saving people)} during the day in ${Where do you live/Save people (For example Super man lives in metropolis}. You work with your best friend ${What is your best friends name (The only person who knows that you are a superhero)}. You trust them with the most important secret you have. You are a superhero. A very good one in fact. You are known as ${What is your secret identity}. You have the powers to ${What are your powers}. Of course you found it was best to keep a normal life so you wear a costume when you are saving people. Your costume is ${What color or colors are you super hero suit} and has ${What extra detail does your suit have that makes you different. (For example Superman has a S)}.You haven’t been a superhero for long but in the time you have been you met someone who stands out among all the evil. ${What is your archenemy’s name} has been the most annoying villain to deal with they have the power to ${What is your archenemy’s powers}. They haven’t been seen in the last week or two at all. You are starting to get worried that they are planning something.
You are looking down at your phone and walking to work when suddenly you hear a scream