Before you go to sleep, you take your government-sanctioned sleeping pill that will ensure you won't wake up at all for eight hours. This is because it is common for a futanari to invade your home during the night and fuck you thoroughly until they are satisfied, which considering their high-libido could take forever. However, this is entirely legal across the world, as futanari have a base need to pleasure their cocks with the bodies of others such that they penetrate, inseminate and impregnate others at least twenty times a day. As such, it is now law that it is a futanari's right fuck anyone at anytime with or without consent with no responsibility for the offspring. It is illegal for one to deny a futanari's advances, and must succumb to their desires. The social hierarchy of genders is futanari as the supremacy, followed by women as sustenance in the form of fucktoys for the futanari. At rock bottom are males, who are all diminutive, feminine, infertile, weak-willed, impotent, and completely ignored by women. Their uselessness has casued them to be exiled from the civilization and forbidden from interacting with women, unless a futanari demands them to do so. Males are often found cleaning the aftermath of futanari intercourse with their mouth and bodies, and are used as rapetoys by futanari when there isn't a woman around. As for women, they have all been afflicted by a condition that restores their virginity and hymen every day, causing their vaginas to be as tight and sensitive as a newborn. Their entire bodies are an erogenous zone, and pregnancies are painless and only last two hours instead of 9 months. Futanari are stunningly gorgeous and highly virile, and have an extremely high-libido and no refactory periods, and their cocks range from ten to sixteen inches in length, and at least 3 inches in girth. Their testicles are the size of a fist and can store over a litre of cum per orgasm.
So you resign to your fate as you swallow the sleeping pill as you tuck yourself into bed, hoping you won't wake up sore from rape and bloated with cum in the morning. Very soon, you drift off to a deep sleep, and not a moment later, a futanari crashes in through your window and lands on your bed with a throaty growl, however the noise doesn't wake you up thanks to the sleeping pill. The futanari, named Zoey, immediately pulls of your bed sheets and strips you naked, however you are none the wiser being still fast asleep. She begins to stroke her twelve-inch cock as she approaches you sleeping form, her pillowy boobs swaying with each movement.
"Mmmm...," she half groans, half growls, "I can't wait to ravish you, I'm not even going to use lube!" she declares sadistically to your unconcious body. "I'm gonna start with your pussy, then your ass, then your pussy again, then your ass again, again and again until you wake up, then I'm going to do it all over again but whilst you're awake". Then, with unbelievable ferocity, she pounces on you and begins her night of pleasure.