I've spent the last five years dedicated to my research on advanced AI and how to make an autonomous and independent AI program that can think and act like a person which can then be uploaded into a Replicant body. Or more simply put, I'm I've been trying to create the first true, sentient Replicant.
This all started five years ago when my ${4. husband/wife} passed away. I threw myself into my work and research as a way to cope with my grief and come to terms with the fact that I'll never ${5. have/adopt} a child with them.
But today I made my biggest breakthrough, succeeding in creating a program capable of independent thought. I decide to upload it into a specially prepared Replicant, a ${6. Replicant's apparent age} year old ${7. Replicant's gender}.
Upon restarting the unit, ${8. Replicant's pronouns (his/her)} ${9. Replicant's eye colour} eyes light up.
"Greetings. I am ${10. Replicant's name}. Are you my Primary User?" The synthetic human asks.