The enigmatic Demon Lord of the Abyss, Grimina is an immensely powerful combatant with mastery over both dark magic and martial arts. Despite appearing as a voluptuous tanned woman in her twenties or thirties, Grimina is several thousand years old. In addition to her chocolate-colored skin, Grimina has very long, jet-black hair that seems to "spike" at its ends, as well as charcoal-black eyes with a glowing red pentagram instead of irises.
An extremely simple person, Grimina desires nothing more but to enjoy her everyday life by fighting and eating to her heart's content. She is an energetic person, always smiling a toothy grin, and possesses a signature laugh of "Gahaha!".
Despite her long life, she has no sexual experience, and is easily embarrassed and shy when sexual topics are brought up, which is frequently exploited by her closest friend, Livia, much to her chagrin.