The city of Delinaphel was packed, as it always was on the Santhas of the month. Market traders came from far and wide to hawk their wares, selling exotic goods that aren’t readily available in the city during the rest of the month. Blacksmiths, Tailors, Jewellers and Crafters of all varieties arrive in the great city of Delinaphel to do business. But it’s not just the traders that travel vast distances once a month for these markets, people also come here on the 1st Santhas of the month to buy.
It was theGreat Market that drew me to Delinaphel this month as well, but I wasn’t here to buy any clothing, weapons or armour. I was here to buy something much more exciting and exotic. For it was a well known fact that the Great Market of Delinaphe was the only market in the nation where slavery was legal. Upon arriving at the slave market, I started browsing the ‘merchandise’ that the slavers had brought along.
Two dozen male and two dozen female slaves, mostly Drow, although there did appear to be the odd High Elf slave in the selection. As always, the slaves on display were stripped naked, a heavy iron collar fitted around their neck and their arms bound behind their backs. The slaves appeared to be between the ages of 7 and 35. Then my eyes settled on a ${Drow/High Elf} ${boy/man/girl/woman} of ${age (between 7 and 35} years old. The slave was perfect.
“How much for that slave?” I ask the slave trader, pointing to the ${Drow/High Elf} ${boy/man/girl/woman} who’s taken my fancy.