'P-Please, don't be rough, Gue'vesa!'
Nali grimaced at your gentle caress, her head shyly turned to the side with every poke and slight doctor; her embarrassment was endearing.
This garnered a sigh. 'Your condition is a bit - unusual - just let me help you.' Another slight, analytical compression was all the T'au woman could handle, a generous helping of fresh breastmilk expressed from her preposterously engorged areola; the spotted fabric of her black flex-fiber shirt made the shame even more apparent.
'Aah...aaah! S-See! It's g-getting worse!' Nali's lovely teal complexion burned scarlet with humiliation at the sultry display; this had indeed been an awkward couple of months.
Something of a prodigy in the controversial study of Xenobiology, it was a good thing that the Imperial Inquisition had found your talents a boon rather an act of heresy. In the burgeoning 42nd Millennium, the only useful information to learn about the Xenos menace - in all its derivatives - was how to kill them. The physiology of the T'au, a strange race of space-faring humanoids that'd periodically challenged the Imperium, had been your area of expertise for quite some time. So much so that The Inquisition, in a unprecedented act of confidence, placed a female T'au of the Fire Warrior caste under your observatory care; for research purposes of course. What had begun a rather negatively-impassioned affair between captive and captor had blossomed into something akin to a friendship, and at times tested to cross even those boundaries.
'You're in pain, Nali! I know it's uncomfortable but-'
'Uncomfortable?' She repeated, a bit flustered, 'These 'issues' are entirely uncommon amongst my people; even in the intimacy of a 'La'rua'! Ever since we've been...'
You prodded a bit, 'Ever since we've been?'
'Cohabitating,' she finished, 'I find myself..."
Nali stifled a ragged moan with a bite of her quivering lip; the darkened splotches marking her absolutely stretched compression shirt had spread. While your gorgeous T'au companion was admirably struggling with her new, marvelous orbs, you'd developed a working theory on the matter.
Almost reflexively, it was in the nature of an Imperial citizen to assert that humanity was the dominant species of the Milky Way; a notion often promoted by every faculty of Imperial governance. Well, it seemed the propaganda of the vox-casters had been correct. Your findings had concluded that T'au women, when exposed to elongated periods of exposure to human males, became hyper-fertile creatures; Nali had been your primary source.
'Please, let me help you...'get it out'...for lack of sounding vulgar.' The insistence was polite, but the pride of the Fire Warrior was deep-rooted.
'Gue'vesa,' the term for 'benevolent human' in the T'au tongue, 'I could never ask of a friend to form that sacred bond...' Nali put on a brave show but her slightly contorted face betrayed a sense of faltering dignity.
As her friend, you respected the request, and as a researcher, you were slightly disappointed, but as a man, you wanted to push the envelope.
'At least let me check your sensory gland. I want to make sure everything else checks out to the best of my abilities before I just let you sort it out yourself; I'd rather this be our only concern, right?'
'Sensory gland?' She inquired.
'You know,' you gestured to the 'Y' shaped section of sensitive membrane that rested between her eyes, taking up about as much space as a human nose would, 'that.'
'Ah,' Nali sighed in understanding before offering a grave caution, 'please be careful!' As if assuming a parade rest, Nali's spine stiffened and she stood up straight for inspection.
You would do just that, slowly entering intimate proximity with the quivering T'au; it was a struggle not to press against her already lactating globes. With tender care you brushed aside a few ashen locks from Nali's brow, fully exposing her facial slit. It was an unassuming, almost flat feature that's purpose had eluded fellow Xenobiologist as much as it had yourself for quite some time; you'd all just assumed it an olfactory organ akin to the human nose.
Nearing the end of the checkup, your thumb lightly grazed the inner folds of the 'Y' shaped slit and - WHAM! - Nali nearly screamed in consummate euphoria; her stark amber eyes warping into a pinkish, love-drunk hue almost instantaneously.
Rather than the water discharge of the earlier leakage, Nali's bountiful bosom nearly geyser'd with ivory nectar; perhaps you'd just made the biggest discovery in Human to T'au relations.