You are ${Your Name}, a ${Your Age} year old ${Your Gender}. ${Tomboy's Name} has been your best friend since the two of you were children. She's the same age as you are, has ${Tomboy's Hair Color} hair, and is a tough girl who likes sports and rough stuff.
The two of you are watching pro wrestling, and she's getting excited. A smile crosses her face and she turns to you.
She asks, "Hey, do you want to do that?"
You say, "Do what?"
${Tomboy's Name} smiles, "Have a wrestling match."
Nervousness flows through you. Does she really want to wrestle you? ${Tomboy's Name} is pretty tough, but you had to be too with all the adventures she dragged you along on.
You say, "Are you sure you want to wrestle me?"
She replies, "Of course I am. You're my best friend, ${Your Name}. Who else would I want to have my first wrestling match with?"
Despite your nervousness, you agree, "Alright, then let's wrestle."
${Tomboy's Name} lightly hugs you and smiles, "Thanks. I need to let out some stress."
She clears some space and gets in a wrestling stance.
She says, "You ready? No holding back."